Creative Excellence in Education Now in Ranchi

GD Goenka Public School is India's Leading School Chain started in Ranchi in year 2022 with a vision to provide world class education in Jharkhand at school Level.

About GD Goenka Public School

The GD Goenka School was started in the year 1994 with an aim to provide service to society in the form of creative excellence in education. An English medium co-educational school and operated by the GD Goenka Society, New Delhi, a non-profit making society registered under the society’s Registration Act of 1860. Keeping the aim higher, stronger & brighter we now bring you the exquisite environment to learn, grow and excel to achieve your dreams in the best possible way.

GD Goenka Public School has Modern best education is an approach to teaching and learning that emphasizes the use of current and emerging technologies, research-based methods, and a focus on student-centered learning to boost academic success.

GD Goenka Public School in Ranchi has integration of technology into the educational process in order to enhance teaching and learning.This can include the use of computers, tablets, smartphones, and other digital devices, as well as software and online resources.

GD Goenka Public School Ranchi has highly qualified teachers who has met the highest standard of educational and professional qualifications. their qualification ensure that students have access to effective educators who can support their academic success.

GD Goenka Public School is India's Leading School Chain in Ranchi uses Experimental learning method that emphasizes hands-on, active participation, and the use of real-world problems and experiences to facilitate learning.

GD Goenka Public School uses IT integration in education to support and enhance teaching and learning in schools with use of computers, tablets, smartphones, and other digital devices, as well as software and online resources.

GD Goenka Public School emphasizes the use of sport as a context for learning and the development of important skills. It is based on the idea that students learn best when they are actively engaged in physical activity.

GD Goenka Public School has Certified teachers have completed the necessary educational and professional training and have passed a certification exam. They have also met the state's standards for teaching quality .

GD Goenka Public School has building and grounds, classrooms, labs, libraries, and athletic facilities, as well as the technology, furniture, and other resources that are needed to support teaching and learning.

GD Goenka Public School is India's Leading School Chain committed to maintaining a high standard of excellence in an education with continuous improvement in process and setting high standards for modern education.

Admission Open for 2023-24 Session Nursery to Grade VII

GD Goenka Public School is India's Leading School Chain started in Ranchi in year 2022 with a vision to provide world class education in Jharkhand at school Level.

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Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

We believe that all students should be given equal opportunities to be successful. Social, physical, creative activities and community service play an important role in student development and promoting school spirit. The promotion of self discipline in a caring and compassionate environment will assist students, staff, teachers and administrators in working independently and collaboratively towards their shared goal of obtaining and providing the best education.A positive, safe and purposeful ambience ensures a productive environment for a child to develop the confidence and skills of a lifelong learner.

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Our Vision

Our Vision

G D Goenka Public School aims at nurturing individuals with paramount values and multivalent competencies. This lofty ideal is accomplished by virtue of a dynamic curriculum that envisions not only academic excellence but a wholesome all-round development of the child, his character and personality, aesthetic refinements, effective skills and the art of living.

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Our Mssion

Our Mssion

We embark on the mission of creating individuals who are confident about their potential and are Goal oriented, sensitive to their environment ­­­­ above all,co-creators of their own destiny. Our aim is to help a child realize his/ her inner strength and give him a conducive environment to grow & evolve as a good social being and a global citizen.

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Why Choose Our Institution?

The School is a trendsetter in providing quality education through the latest in educational aids and equipment and providing some unique amenities and facilities to create the proper ambience for study.

Robotics Lab

Over the years Robotics has turned into a subject of interest. The Robotics Lab aims to bring in the best of Science and Maths together to make an on-the-field space for the creative minds of the children.


Our Library have internationally reputed publications and journals such as the International Herald Tribune, BBC World Journal, The New York Times, The National Geographic Journal and other resources such as Wikipedia

Smart Classes

Each classroom is equipped with interactive white boards & projector screens. Students will be able to learn difficult and abstract curriculum concepts watching highly engaging visuals and animations.

Maths Lab

Mathematics or Maths (as commonly said) is one of the toughest subjects as is commonly perceived by most of the children. The Maths Lab has been designed to help the children acquire a better grasp of the subject.

Science Lab

GD Goenka Ranchi is very well equipped with state of the art research industry standard laboratory equipment that enable the students to attain the highest level of excellence.

AC Bus Facilities

GDGPS has a large fleet of air conditioned buses. Each bus is designed for safety and comfort of children. The buses carry a highly trained driver, conductor and a guard supported by radio paging.

Centralized AC Campus

The air-conditioned school and hostel campus never lets us tire and experience fatigue as we dream Big. "It's not too hot; neither too cold The temperature is forever right.

24x7 Medical Care

The medical needs of the children are met on site by the Medical Team comprising of an experienced doctor and nurses. Arrangements for first aid, administration of medication is made for ill-students.

Safety and Security

The safety of the students is paramount hence adequate care is being taken for safety and security of students. Security is provided round-the-clock at the campus.

Student Life at G D Goenka Ranchi

Student Life at G D Goenka Ranchi

We believe that all students should be given equal opportunities to be successful. Social, physical, creative activities and community service play an important role in student development and promoting school spirit.

The promotion of self discipline in a caring and compassionate environment will assist students, staff, teachers and administrators in working independently and collaboratively towards their shared goal of obtaining and providing the best education.

A positive, safe and purposeful ambience ensures a productive environment for a child to develop the confidence and skills of a lifelong learner.

Celebrations In School

It is said that culture is a way of people’s life, and India homes a considerably large number of varied cultural diversities, thus giving us a reason to experience many special occasions throughout the year.

School Excursions

School trips and picnics are one of the best experiences for a child during his/her school life, the memories of which they can cherish for the whole of their lives.

Social Responsibilities

Here, at GD Goenka Public School we try to nurture the students in a way that they make conscious and responsible choices later in life.

Summer Camps

Summer camps are a tradition at GD Goenka Public School where students learn about life skills during these 10-12 days from their vacation.

Yoga And Counselling

Children have their youth on their side but just like we aren’t spared from our daily, life related worries and are under constant pressures, even they aren’t pardoned

Academic Audit

G D Goenka Ranchi team ensure compliance to all requirements which further brings in high quality in all areas. Such audits not only examine policies, documents and performances, but also initiate appropriate corrective actions.


An Institution that puts emphasis on interactive and conceptual learning.Education is an unending and on going process one has to keep the mind within the humanity to learn

I ensure to the best of my ability for selfless contribution towards the noble cause of building up the institution for all round growth and development of its children to bring up the school comparably at par with other school of repute calls for the whole hearted dedication on the part of students staff members as well as everyone associated with the school.

Mr. Aman Singh
Vice Chairman GD Goenka Public School, Ranchi

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Doranda Namkum Road Near Namkum Block Namkum Ranchi-834010 Jharkhand

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